When ? October 3,2020 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where ? 12 rue St-Paul, Ste-Brigitte-De-Laval (Aux P'tits Cadeaux)
How much does it cost ? Free-for-all
What is the VIP Event ?
This is the largest gathering of artisans working in the domain of washable diapers.
Large tents will be covering the kiosks, so the event will take place even if it rains.
Don't miss our fast food service (hot dog, popcorn, coffee, etc.). All of the benefits will be donated to a local group of parents aiming to improve the life quality in Ste-Brigitte-de-Laval’s elementary schools..
Over $ 750 in prizes! The draw will be held at the end of the day, and the winners will receive their prizes by mail at no charge
In order to reduce the risk of exposure, we ask customers and exhibitors to wear a mask on the site (12 years and over).
Hand sanitizing stations will be available to customers and exhibitors in several positions on the site of the event, we encourage you to use them.
Exhibitors present
- Confections Lili (Over 500 diapers available)
- Gabari (Over 400 diapers available)
- Lavande & Jonquille (Over 200 diapers available)
- Bumby Wool (Direclty from Alberta!)
- Douce Mousse (20% discount!)
- Funky Fluff
- Lya
- Créations M3
- Vert Jade
- Bébé D Lux
- L'attrape Luciole (Fall-Winter 2020 collection)
- Joka et cie
- Face de Pet
- Papyrana
- Kelsa
- Lauma
- MiniHip
- La Striga
- Calenbulle
- Bébé Lion
- Bummis
- Chimparoo
- Écotidien
- Savonnerie des Diligences
- Depuis Juliette
- Saponnière Québécoise
- Création Jade
- Écho Écolo
- MEF Créations
- Tite Foufounes
- CFCL (Facebook group dedicated to cloth diapers)
Other exhibitors will be added shortly!